For as many individuals who dream about working from the comfort of their homes bear in mind the extra juices and understand the advantages, they can obtain when they work directly from home. One of which is the relief of working in a conducive suitable homely kind of environment, flexibility as regards the work time, less monitoring and zero office politics.
As comforting as it is to work from home, it is also dangerous as it tends to reduce your productivity without you realizing it. You would be more disengaged when you work directly from home than when you work in the office. This does not mean that your dream about working from home should be swept under the carpet. Fortunately, below are more effective ways on how best you can increase your productivity when you work from the comfort of your home without having to sweat about it.
Create a space for work
You should try to create a workspace in your home as working in your bedroom won’t do you good. Clear and distinct space should be cut out where there are no forms of distraction to gain maximum concentration. You should make sure your work space has …