Tax Planning Strategies for the Self-Employed

Starting your own business is not an easy job, and it takes a lot of courage to begin with. There can be a lot of complications at each step, and that can be daunting for many. Tax regulations are going to be there, too, and navigating the complications associated with taxes is not going to be easy.

In the United States, the rules for tax laws can be complex for a person without professional knowledge to understand. Long Island CPA can help you navigate through complex laws with ease while you can focus on the core activities of your business.

Certified Public Accountants have knowledge of how things work, and they stay updated on any changes that may take place within the tax laws. You can contact them and learn about the services they provide.

You need to make use of different tax strategies in order to survive in the competitive business environment, and at the same time, you need to think of ways to expand your business as well. Hiring a professional can make these things easier for you.

What are the different tax deductions that a self-employed can make use of?

When you are running a business on your own, there are many deductions that you can leverage and make use of. However, as an employee, you may not be able to yield those benefits; let us look at the benefits provided to self-employed people:

  • Home office deduction:

If you are someone who works from their place, a certain amount of your rent, maintenance, and other utilities can be deducted. However, this will only be applicable when you are using that space for business purposes, and the place should be used on a regular basis as well.

  • Mileage from the vehicle:

Per mile, you can have 65.5 cents cut down when you are driving for business purposes. In this way, you can have high deductions as compared to the total cost that you spent. It can be in terms of gas maintenance or some other things.

  • Business meals:

There is a deduction on your business meal as well. If you are having a meal with your client or any other meal that is associated with your business in any way, it can be deducted. In some cases, the deductions will be partial, and in other cases, they will be fully deductible.

However, you need to make sure that you have track of everything, including the participants and the purpose. Another thing is that as a self-employed person, half of your total tax pay is deductible.

  • Internet bills:

In a business, you are certainly going to require these things. Therefore, your internet bills and your cell phone bills are also deductible to a certain extent.

All these deductions are going to be very helpful, especially for a person who is just starting a business. It would help if you cut down costs and expenses wherever you can. This is going to be very beneficial for you in the long run.

  • Health insurance:

If you have people dependent on you, you can even get some amount deducted from the premiums. Medicare premiums are one example that is deductible not only for you but also for those who are dependent on you. Get in touch with a professional to know how this can help you.

What are the strategies that can be employed?

While it might be exciting for you to start your own business finally, you need to be wise enough to make use of different strategies.

  • Remain vigilant and careful when it comes to adequately keeping records.
  • Have a good foundation and place to start a business.
  • Tax time will also be reduced when you are located in the right place.
  • Remain updated on tax obligations.

Contact a professional today!

All these things are not going to be possible without help from a professional. Even if you are starting your business, having someone who is thorough with how things work can help you a lot.